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“Vets with Pets” is a program designed to assist veterans who would benefit from having a dog companion.
Veterans find many benefits in having a dog for emotional support. Our program seeks to assist veterans in need of a canine companion be able to obtain one.
We have partnered with Top Notch Canine (TNK9) as our animal and training experts and partners. This company is a veteran and female-owned training company that has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the training of dogs.
Their backgrounds allow them to apply their unique perspectives to the cases and clients we are assisting. The program looks to select dogs that meet the requested needs of the client from local shelters. The dogs then undergo a training program at TNK9. Once the dog has completed training, our trainers will help facilitate the meeting of the dog and client. Then our trainers will help to educate both dog and new owner with how to interact with one another.
They will help with follow ups once the dog has been released to the client to help ensure transition goes smoothly. Helping Hands will help with facilitating and covering the cost of adoption, training, supplies, etc. for the dog and the new owner. We will look at providing the new owner with an initial take home package with supplies and help with facilitating follow up to ensure the transition for both the dog and the veteran goes smoothly.
Our greatest desire is to benefit a veteran and a shelter dog by uniting them together so that they both can have a better and more fulfilling life together.
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